NOTE: If you haven't read Parts 1, 2 & 3, please do so before reading THIS post!

PART 4: Practice Makes Perfect

Phew! We're finally on to part 4 of my Pendulum Reading Quick Start Guide. In this post, we're going to cover how pendulums generally respond and how we learn what false responses feel like. So, it's time to grab that pendulum and get reading.

The first thing to do will be to setup your space the same way you would for any other divinatory reading. Think about how you would prep your space for a tarot or oracle reading, or how you would setup for an automatic writing session. You can set up your space in the same fashion for a pendulum reading, to keep things familiar.

If you haven't worked with any sort of divination system or method before, no problem! A good place to start is to find a quiet spot, get yourself grounded* and light a candle with the intention that you are creating a sacred space in which you are safe and secure, and open to receiving guidance for your greatest good. Make sure you have your pendulum and a notebook & pen/pencil with you.

(*If you're unfamiliar with grounding, there are several techniques available online - take some time to review different methods and pick the one you like best)

Once my space is set up, I have a series of "prep" questions I like to ask my pendulum before we get started on the actual reading itself:

  1. Would you like to work with me today?

  2. Am I ready to perform this reading?

  3. Is there anything else I need to do before we start the reading? (If you get a yes to this last one, ask some follow-up questions related to the situation/reading topic)

The reason for asking these questions is that, on occasion, we may attempt a reading that we're just not ready for. Either we aren't ready to hear the answers, or there's something else we need to hear/see/do before we're fully prepared for the reading. This is entirely normal and still happens to me from time to time, even after 9 years of pendulum work.

If you get a "yes" to the first two questions and a "no" to the third (or have cleared whatever you needed to do before starting your reading), then you are ready to go! For my own readings, I like to keep questions specific and on the same topic. I also try to let the pendulum FULLY answer the question I've just asked before I start thinking of the next question - this allows for clearer responses.

Here's a practice session to get you started - I call this one "Getting to Know Your Pendulum":

  1. Would you like to work with me for general readings?

  2. Would you prefer to work with me on a specific topic? (you can narrow this down later)

  3. Would you like to work with me for dowsing for lost objects?

  4. Would you be willing to work with me in [insert chosen energy or healing modality (ex. Reiki or Crystal Healing)] work?

  5. Would you like to assist me in communicating with Spirits*? (*you can substitute Spirits for Angels, the Fae, a specific deity's or spiritual guide's name, or other group of astral beings you would like to speak with)

  6. Do you have a preferred method for me to use to clear your energy? (you can follow up by asking about each cleansing method you like or are familiar with until you receive a "yes" response - sound, moonlight, incense smoke, etc.)

Once you've finished with your reading, be sure to thank your pendulum and record all of your answers in a notebook, divination journal or grimoire.

Stay tuned for part 5 - we're going to be talking about Spirit Boards and how to make one on the go!

Brightest Blessings,



