Transforming My Phone into a Tool for Magick

Tools are important to one’s Craft & there are whole books, posts & podcast episodes dedicated to talking about wands, ritual blades, cups & cauldrons. But how many of us consider how our more “mundane” tools affect our practices?

I’ve always had multiple meditation apps & at least one moon tracker on my phone. In the last year though, I’ve been really working on refining what I keep on my phone and how I use it. Here are some of the ways I use my phone today in my magickal practice:

  • Protection Sigil Wallpaper - sometimes I switch this out, depending on my intention. I’ve loved using the Online Sigil Writer for making these wallpapers. But drawing a sigil & snapping a pic works just as well.

  • Planetary Hours App - for planning workings. This app is one of the more recent downloads & it has been AMAZING. No more lugging around planners or checking websites.

  • Moon App - for phases and signs (Deluxe Moon works great too) - also for planning. I’ve used one of these for years now & I honestly don’t know how I got on without it.

  • Tarot Apps - (Shadowscapes is a fav) for tarot on the go. These are great for daily draws - especially if you grab an app that logs your card pulls & has a notes feature - it basically acts as a portable deck & tarot journal in one.

  • Atmosphere App - picking sounds as backdrops for meditations or workings, like Rain or Waves. I live in a noisy area but don’t always want to do guided meditations, so having a general sounds app has been a big help for focus. They have different environments to chose from, but Beach is probably my favorite.

  • Notepad - I use this to capture recipes, quick notes after a working & now magickal journaling. Sometimes I forget to journal until I’m already in bed for the night, so writing things quickly on a notepad that I can transcribe later helps keep me consistent with writing. Since switching to notepad for journaling, I’ve been able to write daily for the last 3 weeks.

  • Video Feature - I’ve been video recording some of my personal tarot readings for years, but now I’m recording spontaneous workings as well, so I can go back and write down what I did (otherwise, I forget!).

Some of these are regular smart phone features and not inherently magickal. But how I use them makes them magickal and adds to my practice in a new way.

Are there any “mundane” tools you use in your practice? If so, how has using those tools shifted your perspective on what makes a tool “magickal”?

Brightest Blessings, -Cory


essential oils in spiritual practice
