resources for beginner witches

One of the most asked questions I get is: “Where do I start with witchcraft? There’s so much info out there, where do I begin?” Well, here’s a list of some of my FAVORITE beginner-friendly resources for those new to witchcraft.

I will note, none of these folks sponsored this post and none of the links below are affiliate links. This post is just to share some of the resources that I myself use on a regular basis and feel like they would also help out fellow witches and seekers.

First up are sources for written info - these sites are great for insight, recipes, spell ideas, research and more.

  1. Sacred Texts - This website has so much stuff. This will keep anyone busy for a while. There’s a lot of good stuff in here, from copies of Crowley’s work to Apocryphal gospels. Take your time with this site though, because it can be easy to fall down the rabbit hole and want to read everything. Just grab the stuff that catches your eye first. This site has enough information to take almost a lifetime to study.

  2. Patheos Pagan - I love so many blogs on Patheos & not just pagan-related. Patheos Pagan is how I found (and fell in love with) two of my favorite witchy authors: Thorn Mooney & Mat Auryn (please google both if you’re unfamiliar with their work!). My current favorite blogs on Patheos Pagan are those of John Beckett and Laura Tempest Zakroff (“A Modern Traditional Witch”).

  3. The Wild Hunt - Pagan News & Articles. There are some awesome opinion pieces here too, but I love the community news recaps.

  4. The Temple of Witchcraft - Like Christopher Penczak’s books? You should definitely check out the Temple of Witchcraft’s site. There’s some terrific information here for practitioners of all walks and experience levels.

  5. Healing Crystals - For my fellow crystal lovers out there, Healing Crystals doesn’t just have crystals for sale, they also have a wealth of metaphysical information & attributes on just about every crystal out there. They also run new sales every month, which is a huge plus for my wallet.

  6. Toxic Stones List - Speaking of crystals, some stones and minerals are toxic to the touch or when ingested or inhaled. Hibiscus Moon has a pretty extensive list of toxic crystals to watch out for in your workings. Toxic Crystals and Stones List by Hibiscus Moon (

  7. God Checker - This one is a more fun-filled resource, but still packed with good information! This database is a good place to start when researching a deity. From there, you can do a more detailed search, but I love using this database to confirm pantheon, name spelling, and basic information for deities. - Your Guide To The Gods

Next up, I want to share some incredible witchy and occult YouTube channels that are fantastic resources for both new and experienced witches. Channels are listed in alphabetical order:

  1. Alicia Ying - one of my favorite readers on the planet is Alicia Ying (and I’m not just saying that because she’s one of my favorite people too). Alicia’s channel doesn’t just have readings though, she has whole playlists of incredible meditations and how-to guides for manifestation work. Yes to the Ying - YouTube

  2. Arith Harger - a Norse Pagan and Animist, Arith has a wide range of videos on everything from Viking symbols and lore to discussions on the Left-Hand Path. For those curious about these paths (minus the bigotry and white supremacy that have been running rampant in these traditions), I highly recommend Arith’s channel. Arith Härger - YouTube

  3. Atypical Tarot - I cannot say enough good things about Atypical Tarot’s channel. He has such great insights into the symbolism of the tarot as a tool and has a wide range of videos discussing how to use the tarot for self-growth and development. If you’re looking for an “atypical” approach to working with the tarot, start with his channel. Atypical Tarot - YouTube

  4. Benebell Wen - author of I Ching, The Oracle (forthcoming 2023), The Tao of Craft (2016), and Holistic Tarot (2015). Benebell is also the creator of the Spirit Keeper’s Tarot. Her YouTube channel is filled with incredible videos on Tarot and Taoist magic and mysticism. I always learn something new watching one of Benebell’s videos. Benebell Wen - YouTube

  5. Cherise Williams - a tarot reader, author and paranormal investigator. Cherise is one of the most down-to-earth paranormal investigators I’ve ever met. She has practical advice for both beginners and experienced practitioners. If you love the paranormal, start with Cherise’s channel. Cherise Williams - YouTube

  6. Devin Hunter - author of The Witch’s Book of Power (and many others!) and host of The Modern Witch Podcast. Devin is a treasure trove of knowledge on plants, crystals, and witchcraft. I highly recommend checking out his playlist “Getting Stoned,” which focuses on working with crystals. Modern Witch - YouTube

  7. Ethony Dawn - an Eclectic Witch, Professional Tarot Reader and Teacher, who has been practicing the craft for over 25 years. Ethony is the author of multiple tarot and oracle decks and is the Headmistress of the Tarot Readers Academy. She has some fantastic how-to tarot videos on her channel, along with some great book recommendations. Every reading I’ve received from Ethony has been SPOT ON. Ethony - YouTube

  8. Foolish Fish - one of the BEST occult book review channels on YouTube, hands down. If you’re looking for occult book news, reviews and recommendations, please check out Foolish Fish’s channel. I recommend starting with his most recent “Esoteric News” video. Foolish Fish - YouTube

  9. Kelly-Ann Maddox - a fantastic Chaos Witch and all-around lovely human being. Kelly-Ann’s YouTube channel has over 700 videos on witchcraft, paganism, tarot, self-love and art. I’ve gone to Kelly-Ann for readings and coaching and both have been immensely helpful (both personally and professionally). For more in-depth teachings, Kelly-Ann also has a collection of fabulous recorded classes available on her website. Kelly-Ann Maddox - YouTube

  10. Laura Tempest Zakroff - a bestselling author, artist and performer, Laura’s channel is one of my favorites. She has a great “6 Minutes of Witchcraft” series that offers bite-sized musings on witchcraft and magic. I’m also a huge fan of her “Witchual Workout” series that blends magic, ritual and body movement. Laura Tempest Zakroff - YouTube

  11. Mhara Starling - a fabulous Welsh Witch and author (go check out her book, Welsh Witchcraft: A Guide to the Spirits, Lore, and Magic of Wales). Mhara has a lot of fantastic videos on Welsh and Celtic folklore, myths, and magical practices. She even has videos to help others pronounce Welsh names. Mhara Starling - YouTube

  12. Michelle Belanger - author, energy worker, lecturer, and media personality - you’ve probably seen Michelle on one of your favorite paranormal shows. Michelle’s knowledge and expertise in paranormal investigations, psychic vampirism and energy work are pretty much unmatched yet watching a video by Michelle is like sitting around a warm fire and chatting with a dear friend. I highly recommend just about any and all videos on Michelle’s channel. M Belanger - YouTube

  13. Mystic Rainn - host of the Ascended Podcast and professional tarot reader. Mystic Rainn has a fantastic beginner tarot playlist on her channel, along with some great tips on spellcraft. She also uploads her podcast episodes to her channel, which I highly recommend checking out! Mystic Rainn - YouTube

  14. Shamanic Arawak Priestess - a professional tarot reader and practitioner of African Traditional religion and Native Spirituality of Tainos. SAP has over 800 videos on her YouTube channel, sharing her wisdom and experience in both tarot and magic. I LOVE her Spirit Chat videos. If you’re looking for fun and honest reviews of decks & books, SAP’s channel is the place to find them. Shamanic Arawak Priestess - YouTube

  15. Thorn Mooney - a Gardnerian priestess, author, and coven leader who vlogs about witchcraft, the academic study of religion, and tarot. Thorn is an experienced Wiccan High-Priestess and it’s wonderful to hear her takes on how Wicca as grown (or regressed) in the years since it’s 90’s renaissance. Her channel is packed with videos for new witches & seekers. Thorn Mooney - YouTube

Bottom line - there is a TON of resources online for new witches and seekers. But the lists above are good (and vetted!) starting points. Half of the fun is searching for the information you need but I know the internet can be an overwhelming place. I’ll continue to add to these lists, so be sure to check back often (maybe even bookmark this page for future reference).

Happy learning, dear ones! -Cory


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