crystals for chakra balancing

Intuition is your best tool when selecting crystals for healing – ALWAYS. Books are great resources for information, but if something you read doesn’t resonate with you, then it might not work as well for you. Seriously, not all crystals will facilitate the same types of healing in all people. We all have different reactions to things, so it makes sense that some crystals might resonate with us differently than with others. That’s okay! As I said, your intuition is your best friend here.

One crystal set that gets the most discussion (and the most questions) is a chakra crystal set. A lot of information that you’ll find in books and online follows the Hindu system of seven chakras.

Below is a that list, along with crystal recommendations for each:

1). Root – Deals with security, family, heritage/roots and survival. A few crystals that balance this chakra are: Smokey Quartz, Red Jasper and Hematite.

2). Sacral – Deals with sexuality, confidence, creativity and basic emotional needs. A few crystals that balance this chakra are: Carnelian, Orange Calcite and Peach Agate.

3). Solar Plexus – Deals with sense of Self, willpower, fear and anxiety. A few crystals that balance this chakra are: Citrine, Golden Tiger’s Eye and Yellow Jasper.

4). Heart – Deals with compassion, unconditional love, connection to others and devotion. A few crystals that balance this chakra are: Rose Quartz (pink also resonates with this chakra!), Green Aventurine and Moss Agate.

5). Throat – Deals with communication, self-expression and maturity/growth. A few crystals that balance this chakra are: Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate and Blue Chalcedony.

6). Third Eye / Brow – Deals with thought, intuition and consciousness. A few crystals that balance this chakra are: Amethyst, Sodalite and Lapis Lazuli.

7). Crown – Deals with spirituality, the Higher Self and connection to the Divine. A few crystals that balance this chakra are: Clear Quartz, Amethyst (this crystal works well with more than one chakra) and Purple Fluorite.

When in doubt, Clear Quartz is a fantastic all-purpose crystal that can support all 7 energy centers.

Finding the right crystals can be a bit time consuming but there are some lovely budget-friendly options out there. I always recommend heading to a local crystal store if you can. Let the folks at the store know what you’re looking for and they’ll be able to assemble a group of crystals you can take home and start working with immediately.

For online options, shop small if you can. A favorite and knowledgeable non-profit source is (this is NOT an affiliate link). I’ve shopped with these folks for almost a decade now. They have fast shipping and incredible customer service. Check the descriptions of the crystals because they pack those with a wealth of information (including where their crystals are sourced).

Remember, when building your kit, USE YOUR INTUITION. I really can’t stress this enough. What works for one person may not work the same way for you, lovely. Happy crystal shopping!

Brightest Blessings, -Cory


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