Hello folks! I’m a Witch, Gamer, Financial Analyst, Parent and now Chicken Farmer! I also love giving folks tarot readings. If any of that interests you, have a look around, and thanks for stopping by.

my Services

I’ve got a whole buffet of offerings, folks! Need questions answered? I’ve got pendulum and tarot readings for that. Need assistance with your healing journey? A Spirit Ally Medicine Retrieval can help. My shop is also packed with eBooks and hand-made crystal pendulums.

  • Looking to get a reading? Head on over to my “Store” page. I offer a range of pendulum and tarot readings.

  • I’ve been hosting classes and workshops on witchcraft since 2016. Recorded classes are headed to my “Store” page later this year. Be sure to join my mailing list for details on upcoming LIVE classes.

  • My store front also has eBooks on everything from working with Divine Energy to creating and storing Gem Elixirs. More to be added throughout 2024, so check back often.

  • I offer a wide range of one-on-one sessions to connect you with a Spirit Medicine Ally or Deity. Deep relationships often come out of these radical sessions. If you’re interested in these offerings, please message me at for more information.

-Tarot Reading Client

“Wonderful service and insightful information channeled! Highly recommend.”

-Tarot Reading Client

"oh my goodness! you will not be disappointed! magical reading!"

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